Counters to zyra - Best counters, imo Winston, Rein, SigRam.

When Pantheon bought at least these three items in his build, he did much better against Zyra than with most other commonly used builds. . Counters to zyra

Ranked ARAM Arena Nexus Blitz. The long range autos, and then plants that poke the shit out of you. 3,039 games. Zyra Support Counters P Q W E R Zyra Support has a 52. In fact, Pantheon boasted an average winrate of 46. For items, our build recommends Sorcerer's Shoes, Liandry's Anguish, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Demonic Embrace, Zhonya's Hourglass, and Morellonomicon. 79 WR against Jhin) As for champions Jhin counters, here are his. Of all the runes players chose for Zyra vs Jhin counters, this mixture of runes yielded the greatest win rate. You may get destroyed when picking Annie into Zyra. In League's current meta, Zyra usually wins when taking on Leona, with a 52. The best Zyra players have a 57. GG, here are the top five champions that counter Jhin in the bot lane. In Vex against Zyra games, Vexs team is 0. As a result, Zed makes a bad counter to Zyra. The highest win rate and pick rate Zyra Counters. 1 win rate. Alistar Counter. While Lux does have a lower winrate compared to Zyra, when they face off with one another, Lux also has a lower learning curve that makes her a less challenging champ to pick up and master. Zyras plants need to take 3 hits from any source of damage. In fact, Pantheon boasted an average winrate of 46. Normally, he wins a acceptable 48. 6 of her rounds. 1 win rate. Both have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. Therefore, Zyra makes an ok counter to Xerath. Ranked ARAM Arena Nexus Blitz. Ahri vs Zyra Matchup Summary. In Maokai versus Zyra matches, Maokais side is 0. In fact, Vi had an average win rate of 46. Zilean Counter. 1 win rate. Zyra Support 66,066 matches (Last 2 days) Home > Matchups > Zyra Overview Stats ProBuilds Matchups Runes Skills Items Summoner Spells Jungle Paths Zyra All Roles. 3 win rate. Leona Leona&x27;s high burst damage and crowd control abilities can easily overwhelm Zyra in a fight. Main Role Order Support > Jungle > Mid Lane > ADC > Top Lane. 1 more expected to obtain first blood. Zyra vs Akali Matchup Summary. 7 win rate. Patch 13. Unfortunately, Heimerdinger does a below average job of countering Zyra. If you want to play an off-meta ADC, try lulu, ziggs, or ori. For items, our build recommends Liandry&39;s Anguish, Sorcerer&39;s Shoes, Rylai&39;s Crystal Scepter, Demonic Embrace, Morellonomicon, and Void Staff. While Veigar does have a lower win rate compared to Zyra, when they face off with one another, Veigar also has a greater level of difficulty that makes him a more difficult champion to develop with. Based on our analysis of 63 240 matches, the best counters. I always ban samira since she has 3 skills that counter zyra, including a bug counter (AOE one shot 6 plants instantly). Based on our analysis of 1 252 matches, the best counters for Zyra Mid are. Based on our analysis of 1 252 matches, the best counters for Zyra Mid are Vel&x27;Koz, Ryze, Cassiopeia, Naafiri and Aurelion Sol. 8 CR 4. Morgana vs Zyra Matchup Summary. 9 win rate. Master Zyra by checking out Zyras champion page. Both champs have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. Therefore, Zyra makes a great counter to Varus. In his Sentry configuration, Bastion can easily break through Zarya's barrier, making her a minor threat on the battlefield. Best Counter Picks from the Best Data. Win Champion Select with Xerath counters for LoL S13 Patch 13. 1 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked D tier. Riot-approved U. While Zyra does have a higher win rate than Leona, when they face off with one another, Zyra also has a much greater level of difficulty that makes her a more challenging. Shen support is another strong counter, since his early all-in is extremely dangerous (Leona tier), and he has a shield and field to negate Zyra's poke. Typically, he wins a lowly 46. Win Champion Select with Xerath counters for LoL S13 Patch 13. How to counter Zyra. With our Zyra guide you will learn which items to build, runes to select, skills order, and how to Use Zyra Abilities properly. Main Role Order Support > Jungle > Mid Lane > ADC > Top Lane. Unfortunately, Braum has done a pathetic job of countering Zyra. 55 good counter, would pick Zenyatta again. Tier Off Meta Win60. This indicates that he most likely will get first blood against Zyra. In League&39;s current meta, Alistar usually loses when trying to fight Zyra, with a 48. 0 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked D tier. Section 10 Conclusion. Akali vs Zyra Matchup Summary. 1 win rate. 72 dmg as offset due to plant focus. 3 win rate and 5. While Zyra does have a much higher win rate compared to Morgana, when on opposite teams, Zyra also has a much greater level of difficulty that makes her a more time consuming character to develop with. Thus, Zyra makes a good counter for Irelia. Try to dodge Zyras passive skillshot, as it deals massive pure damage. 625-seconds delay, dealing magic damage to all enemies within the area. This Zyra counter data is based on matches played by Pros on patch 13. 4 of games the champions battle each other in. 24 Counter Champions & Matchups. In League's current meta, Thresh usually loses when playing against Zyra, with a 47. Ambush her and take her down before the team fight when she goes to ward objectives. How to counter Zyra. Zyra vs Maokai Matchup Summary. 2 of the time the champions fight one another in. On the other hand, Zyra Top counters Sett. Xerath has done a average job of countering Zyra. Based on our analysis of 422 matches, the best counters for Zyra Bot are Zeri, Twitch, Hwei, Lucian and Miss Fortune. Zyra Mid Build 13. Counter for Support. Champion Build Guide. The stats provided here underscore some vital Zyra versus Lux counter statistics that can help us distinguish the differences between these two champs. Zyra does a great job of countering Akali. In fact, Vi had an average win rate of 46. As a result, Zyra makes a great counter for Vayne. In League's current meta, Alistar usually loses when trying to fight Zyra, with a 48. Zyra Jungle has a 48. As a result, Zyra makes a good counter to Alistar. Mundo also has a lower level of difficulty that. While Zyra does have a higher winrate than Irelia, when facing one another, Zyra also has a greater level of difficulty that makes her a more complex. The plant queen, Zyra, can be a deadly champion to lane against due to her strong warding and ensaring skills. It was on colluseo where the enemy zarya countered this exact strat by using a corner that let her touch the robot whilst safe. The thorn from Zyra's passive deals massive true damage. In Irelia versus Zyra games, Irelias team is 0. Zyra Build for Support. This is one of the reasons why Zyra does well countering. Typically, she wins a lowly 45. Thus, Vayne makes a bad counter for Zyra. If you want to know how to counter Zyra then you need to take into account the best picks vs Zyra and the worst picks vs Zyra. 22 Win Rate 94 Pick Rate Zyra As a Support Counters 34 counter champions Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. Therefore, Annie makes a poor counter to Zyra. Minions will deal 12 damage. Even better if you can block his Q's with your E-W combo. Thus, Brand makes a bad counter to Zyra. When Senna combined at least these three items in her build, she performed significantly better vs. If you would like to view Yuumi versus Zyra tips and matchup stats and build suggestions for a an individual skill level, please choose one from the selection menu shown above. Bard I think Zyra is great vs. 08 Score 65. In fact, Pantheon boasted an average winrate of 46. Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Support champion who counters Janna. GG, here are the top five champions that counter Jhin in the bot lane. 9 1,281 Matches. Based on our analysis of 1 645 matches in patch 13. Win rates tend to be lower against onetricks. Thus, Vayne makes a bad counter for Zyra. But the biggest anti-Zyra tip I have is 5 Pray that your support knows all this. Mundo also has a lower level of difficulty that. In fact, Jhin boasted an average winrate of 47. 625-seconds delay, dealing magic damage to all enemies within the area. I feel like Zyra will always take root at lvl 1, and 99 of the time will take seed at lvl 2. 1 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked D tier. 6 of the time the champs battle one another in. Based on our analysis of 63 047 matches, the best counters for Milio Support are Blitzcrank, Braum, Maokai, Senna and Rakan. Master Zyra by checking out Zyras champion page. The best Zyra players have a 57. 933 games. 0 of matches the champions face off with each other in. Based on the analysis of 1 634 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. But I think her best counters are long range poke where she loses trades. In Amumu against Zyra games, Amumus side is 0. -652 GD15. Unfortunately, Seraphine does a terrible job of countering Zyra. Maokai vs Zyra Matchup Summary. Zyra Build with the highest win rate. Swain if he gets slightly ahead can sustain through all of your dmg and deal just as much dmg back. In League&39;s current meta, Akshan usually fairs equally well when facing off against Zyra, with a 49. See More Champions. -652 GD15. In this game I was first pick, and surprisingly, the enemy support knows how to counter Zyra. 55 Role0. Thoughts on S13 Zyra. Typically, he wins a lowly 47. Model Viewer. 24, Morgana has a 47. 72 dmg x 2 plants x 2 plants hit (ranged can spit maybe 2 hit) 170. How to counter Zyra. For runes, the strongest choice is. You should be careful about playing Zyra into either of these two matchups. This champion is very uncomfortable, since her skills help to poke a lot your enemies. Zyra &183; Top Counters. She'll still poke a ton with QW and force her enemies to back. vs Zyra Supp. In League&39;s current meta, Zyra usually wins when playing against Lux, with a 52. For team partners, the best champions include Trundle, Illaoi, and Kha&39;Zix. 4,101 games. The percent shown is the enemy champion&39;s counter rating against Zyra. Cassiopeia vs Zyra Matchup Summary. Zyra Counters. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Zyra build, runes & counters. Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Support champion who counters Zyra. 4 when playing against Zyra with this counter build. If you want to. Zyra Mid Build 13. 3,039 games. 0 more expected to gain first blood, indicating that he probably will be able to get first blood versus Zyra. Win Champion Select with Brand counters for LoL S13 Patch 13. The percent shown is the enemy champion&39;s counter rating against Zyra. This means that Zyra is more likely to lose the game against Bard than on average. ZyraZyra is a great Mage that is usually played Support. Even D. Bush control is key for exerting pressure in lane. Both have their pros and cons. On average, he wins a lowly 43. 7 win rate. Resumo dos Counters Zyra. Someone like Morgana can do well against her because she counters her CC with her black shield and can bind her to take advantage of how squishy she is. On the other hand, Zyra Bot counters Yasuo, Samira, Jinx, Draven and Ashe. As a result, Thresh makes a bad counter to Zyra. 7 How We Analyze LoL Champion Counters We produce our counter stats from the millions of recently ranked League games that we analyze each and every week. 2 CR. 9 of the time the champs clash against each other in. Tier Off Meta Win51. Zyra does a great job of countering Akali. While Veigar does have a lower win rate compared to Zyra, when they face off with one another, Veigar also has a greater level of difficulty that makes him a more difficult champion to develop with. We've analyzed 855 Zyra Top Lane games to compile our statistical. So, lets get started. In the game&39;s current meta, Ziggs usually loses when facing off against Zyra, with a 47. 0 more expected to get first blood. Va counters Zarya though just because she can get lucky with eating the ult sometimes. While Annie does have a lower winrate than Zyra, when they face off with one another, Annie also has a lower level of difficulty that makes her a less time consuming champion to learn and master. For runes, the strongest choice is. Zyra Support has a 52. You should be careful when picking Sett into Zyra. 15 AP 42. Counter picking stats for Senna. Pick Rate. 2 of her games. Resumo dos Counters Zyra. Brand Counter for SupportPatch 13. Thus, Zyra makes a good counter to Leona. You should be careful when picking Sett into Zyra. Zyra Support Counters P Q W E R Zyra Support has a 52. In Annie against Zyra matches, Annies team is 0. Both have their pros and cons. Zyra 605 GD15. Her first big spike is about 12 seconds after hitting lvl 2 (2 seeds) and then at lvl 3 (q burst ranged plant). va if you can just disengage and keep getting heals should practically out tank Zarya. Both have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. Riot-approved U. In Zeri vs Zyra matches, Zeris side is 0. Try not to push minions too far. For all associated collection items, see Zyra (Collection). In Swain vs Zyra games, Swains team is 0. 2 Zyra. This particular counter pairing is fairly uncommon. Hitscans in general. Rakan is forced to battle against Zyra in only 4. 7 of matches the champs fight each other in. 23 the best build for Zyra is Liandry&39;s Anguish, Sorcerer&39;s Shoes, Rylai&39;s Crystal Scepter, Demonic Embrace, and Morellonomicon. Zyra Counters for Support. Kai'Sa vs Zyra Matchup Summary. Riot-approved U. Almost any ranged champ with either spammable poke or spammable shield with guardian. On average, she wins a acceptable 48. 4 win rate. Learn how to b. 1 yr. These stats have been calculated by analyzing. So mana wise zyra win damage Zyra Q deals 130 0. With skill order and items, this Zyra guide offers a full LoL Zyra ARAM build for Patch 13. On average, they wins a lowly 48. Unfortunately, Irelia does a poor job of beating Zyra. In League's current meta, Soraka usually loses when taking on Zyra, with a 48. In the mid-game, teams will start grouping. Bard I think Zyra is great vs. 1 win rate and 0. Thorn Spitter&39;s attacks can be dodged (Counter Strike, Spirit&39;s Refuge) but cannot be blocked. Be aware and ready for Zyra&39;s passive, which causes her to return to her plant form after death. The highest win rate and pick rate Zyra Counters. Based on our analysis of 1 645 matches, the best counters for Zyra Jungle are Rammus, Poppy, Lillia, Shyvana and Talon. Zyra has to counter Braum in only 1. 1 more probable to gain first blood. Zyra&39;s Best Arena matchups include Gnar, Renata Glasc, and Taliyah. Samira encounters Zyra in only 4. Zarya used to be a hard counter against D. 4 when playing against Zyra with this counter build. Based on our analysis of 63 240 matches, the best counters for Zyra Support are Taric, Twitch, Bard, Sona and Xerath. 4 CR 5. In Morgana versus Zyra rounds, Morganas team is 0. Sona has to counter Zyra in only 4. 1 more probable to earn first blood, indicating that they most likely will be able to get first blood versus Zyra. 7 win rate. 25 Pick Rate 4. So the reason I love 1 tricking Zyra support (besides doing boat loads of damage) is because 98 of the time I get to play support and 98 of the time Zyra isnt banned or picked before me. This particular counter pairing is fairly uncommon. Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Support champion who counters Zyra. This guide on how to beat Zyra as Miss Fortune came out of an analysis of 10574 ranked rounds where both champions battled one another. Within our database, Samira fought Zyra in 5388 rounds. Sort by role, rank, region. Recuerda que algunos campeones tienen mecnicas complicadas, por eso te recomiendo que los practiques primero en la herramienta de prctica de League of Legends. 5 win rate. Amumu vs Zyra Matchup Summary. 15 AP 42. Based on our analysis of 1 645 matches, the best counters for Zyra Jungle are Rammus, Poppy, Lillia, Shyvana and Talon. 0 when countering Zyra with this counter build. On the other hand, Zyra Top counters Sett. So you want someone who either ignores or deals with those things. A well-played Zyra can be a tough opponent, the win rate is 52. Best counters, imo Winston, Rein, SigRam. In League's current meta, Zyra usually wins when facing off against Senna, with a 54. 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Normally, she wins a lowly 44. . Counters to zyra

GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. . Counters to zyra cojiendo a mi hijastra

Tier List. Below is a detailed breakdown of Zyra counters for support versus support with a minimum of 100 games. Zyra has to counter Seraphine in only 4. Zyra's Best Arena counters are Nidalee, Skarner, and Gwen. Lux 460 GD15. 78 Pick4. 1 of games the champs face off with each other in. In League&39;s current meta, Zed usually loses when taking on Zyra, with a 48. Lissandra vs Zyra Matchup Summary. 2 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked A tier. Zyra gets countered. 1 1. Lux and Pyke are her two biggest counters in my experience. 24 LoL. In League's current meta, Zed usually loses when taking on Zyra, with a 48. She also has pretty good synergy with Ashe. On average, she wins a lowly 46. In Draven against Zyra matches, Dravens team is 0. Unfortunately, Leona does a dismal job of beating Zyra. 2 of her games. If you will like her, try her ADC. From an AP side that means Lux, Xerath and Vel koz or on the tankyAD side it's Blitzcrank and Pyke. We've analyzed 8786 Zyra Mid Lane games to compile our statistical Zyra Build Guide. 1 when countering Zyra with this counter build. - Very strong performance overall. Sort by role, rank, region. 1 of her rounds. Rune Stats. 85 Games 855 KDA 2. Zyra has done a great job of countering Caitlyn. 14 win rate in LoL Patch 13. Nami Counter for Support. 3 lower than expected win rate of Thresh. Zyra Counter Stats Hide Support As a Support 52. 24 Build Support LoL. Build Ranking Counters NEW. Both have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. See More Champions. 1 more probable to gain first blood. The highest win rate and pick rate Zyra Counters. Bush control is key for exerting pressure in lane. Avoid traveling through unguarded sections of the map since Zyra has excellent Grasping Roots and Stranglethorns catch potential. The long range autos, and then plants that poke the shit out of you. This might be an outdated strategy but Miss Fortune was locked in by ROX GorillA during season 6 worlds SKT vs ROX, where she was picked as a support counter to Zyra. This indicates that he most likely will be able to get first blood versus Zyra. As a result, Zyra makes a good counter to Alistar. Leona vs Zyra Matchup Summary. 1 win rate. Zyra&39;s strength is counter-engage. As a result, Zyra makes a great counter for Vayne. In League's current meta, Zyra usually wins when taking on Taric, with a 55. Unfortunately, Kai'Sa has done a dismal job of beating Zyra. In Lissandra versus Zyra games, Lissandras team is 0. LoL 13. No build information available for zyra in the unknown role. To have the highest probability of vanquishing Zyra as Syndra, you should use the First Strike, Magical Footwear, Minion Dematerializer, Cosmic Insight, Manaflow Band, and Transcendence runes from the Inspiration and Sorcery rune sets. Unfortunately, Seraphine does a terrible job of countering Zyra. 24 P Q W E R Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Support champion who counters Zyra. 24 LoL. Based on our analysis of 1 645 matches, the best counters for. The most commonly encountered champions Zyra counters against hardest support versus support is Hwei, Swain & Morgana. However, if the spell hits a champion, they will be prioritized until the champion walks out of range. GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Nilah vs Zyra Matchup Summary. 6 win rate with 5. Bastion is among the best damage heroes to counter Zarya. The best counters to Zyra are champions that can force hard engages on her and holder her stunnedcced for a long amount of time. Zyra and Morgana are weak pics against lux because Morgana does less damage than lux and zyra is WAY more burstable than lux, so perhaps that's why she may seem insurmountable for you, cause she's a good counter to your main. Zyra and Morgana are weak pics against lux because Morgana does less damage than lux and zyra is WAY more burstable than lux, so perhaps that's why she may seem insurmountable for you, cause she's a good counter to your main. Runes, Items, Counters. Vayne (51. Sombras biggest counter to Zarya is her ability Hack. Akali vs Zyra Matchup Summary. Lissandra vs Zyra Matchup Summary. These are all great at countering Zyra with win rates over 54. 23 9. Unfortunately, Yasuo has done a dismal job of countering Zyra. At MOBA Champion, we evaluate millions of recently ranked LoL matches each and every week. Typically, he wins a lowly 47. Sombras biggest counter to Zarya is her ability Hack. Zyra support is a strong counter to Hwei, Swain & Morgana while Zyra is countered most by Sona, Milio & Bard. Zyra &183; Top Counters. Normally, he wins a acceptable 49. All of Zyras abilities are skill shots, which makes Tristanas jump highly viable against her. Zyra Jungle has a 48. Annie vs Zyra Matchup Summary. So mana wise zyra win damage Zyra Q deals 130 0. Ive tried Zyra against him a few times, but he pokes me out of lane and Zyra doesnt have the mobility to dodge all of his skill shots. 4 CR 5. 23 the best build for Zyra is Liandry&39;s Anguish, Sorcerer&39;s Shoes, Rylai&39;s Crystal Scepter, Demonic Embrace, and Morellonomicon. Riot-approved U. Of all the runes players chose for Zyra vs Jhin counters, this mixture of runes yielded the greatest win rate. Since black shield is a long cooldown, you want short cooldowns. In fact, Miss Fortune had. In fact, Syndra had an average winrate of 45. 6 when playing against Rell with this counter build. Typically, he wins a lowly 42. Sort by role, rank, region. Te presentamos los 5 champions que hacen counter a Zyra, ordenados por winrate para que de un simple vistazo sepas cul es la mejor eleccin frente a este champ de League of Legends. The Zyra build for Support is Liandry's Anguish and Arcane Comet. This Zyra counter data is based on matches played by Pros on patch 13. In League&39;s current meta, Vel&39;Koz usually loses when facing off against Zyra, with a 48. Main Role Order Support > Jungle > Mid Lane > ADC > Top Lane. Urgot has to counter Zyra in only 4. 2 CR. In fact, Zyra boasted an average win rate of 55. Normally, he wins a acceptable 48. Typically, they wins a lowly 48. Zyra counters well. Riot-approved U. 23 the best build for Zyra is Liandry&39;s Anguish, Sorcerer&39;s Shoes, Rylai&39;s Crystal Scepter, Demonic Embrace, and Morellonomicon. Periodically, Zyra spawns one or two Seeds nearby that last for 30 seconds, briefly granting vision over the surrounding area. Based on our analysis of 257 matches, the best counters for Zyra Top are. Highest gold differential at 15 (GD15) vs Zilean in World Emerald . 0 of games the champs fight each other in. As a result, Taric makes a poor counter to Zyra. Therefore, Alistar makes a poor counter to Zyra. Both have their strengths, weaknesses, and counters. Patch 13. Riot-approved U. Va Vs. 4 lower than expected win rate of Zyra. Zyra support is a strong counter to Hwei, Swain & Vel&39;Koz while Zyra is countered most by Sona, Bard & Milio. This counter data is for Zyra SUPPORT in Plat games. Track her bubble usage and hp. Let us take a look on how to beat Zyra. Vex vs Zyra Matchup Summary. This indicates that she most likely will be able to get first blood versus Maokai. Normally, she wins a whopping 53. Thus, Katarina makes a poor counter for Zyra. Ashe vs Zyra Matchup Summary. This object absorbs 3001 of magical damage, when what it has reaches -30 of life. Riot-approved U. Champs that counter me while playing zyra are velkoz, xerath, brand, lux and pantheon. Try to bait her E. If Deadly Spine hits a Seed, it sprouts into a Thorn. 4 when playing against Zyra with this counter build. Thus, Zyra makes a good counter to Thresh. . jeep jl aux switches wiring